exploring_w01_grader_h1.docx (solution) Homework | Page 3

6 Remove the word ​new in the first body paragraph on page 1 ( beginning with ​Ethics refers to the principals or
0 standards ). You realize that the word principals is incorrect usage in the first sentence of the same paragraph . Change the word to principles .
7 Insert a page number at the bottom of the report using Plain Number 1 style ( Hint : After inserting a footer , click
Page Number in the Header and Footer group and identify the appropriate style ). Type ​Jacob Sandlin ​as a left-aligned header . The header and footer should not display on the first page ( although the second page will show 2 as the page number ).
8 Place the insertion point after the word ​exam ( before the period ) in the first sentence of the paragraph on page 2
0 beginning with ​The Honor Code . Press SPACEBAR and then insert a frownie face symbol ( character code ​76 from the Wingdings group ).