Buy here : http :// homeworknumber . one / products . php ? product = expl oring _ pcap _ grader _ h1 _ Discounts _ solution . pptx- % 28co mpleted-solution % 29
Buy here : http :// homeworknumber . one / products . php ? product = expl oring _ pcap _ grader _ h1 _ Discounts _ solution . pptx- % 28co mpleted-solution % 29
Exploring P Capstone 1 - Student Discounts 2.6
Project Description :
You are a student employee of your college ’ s Student Success department . A previous employee created a presentation for students to view while they are waiting for their advisor . The goal of the presentation is to raise student awareness about available savings and discounts . You decide to modify the original slide show to add additional information and visual impact . You will insert and modify an image , a SmartArt graphic , and a reused slide containing a table .
Instructions :
For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks :
Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start PowerPoint . Download and 0.000 openexploring _ pcap _ grader _ h1 _ Discounts . pptx . Save