What to Consider ? to the text box and change the font size to 30 pt .
10 On Slide 4 , adjust the order of the elements on the slide
7 so that the two graphical objects appear behind all of the other objects on the slide .
11 On Slide 5 , insert a Titled Matrix SmartArt diagram in
15 the content placeholder . Add the word Criteria to the center shape , the word Practicality to the top-left shape , the wordEconomic Feasibility to the top-right shape , the wordEthicalness to the bottom-left shape , and the word Legalityto the bottom-right shape .
12 Change the SmartArt color theme to Colorful Range -
Accent Colors 3 to 4 ( third theme under colorful ) and change the style of the SmartArt to Intense Effect .