high and 2.5 inches wide . Position it so that the left border aligns at the 1.5-inch mark to the left of 0 on the horizontal ruler and the top border aligns at the 1-inch mark under 0 on the vertical ruler .
3 Apply the Preset Style 4 Shape Effect to the arrow on 5
Slide 1 .
4 On Slide 2 , insert an Elbow Arrow Connector starting at
5 the bottom-center connection point of the Assess Alternativesshape and ending at the top-center connection point of theChoose Alternative shape .
5 On the same slide , align the top three shapes by the
10 top . Align the lower three shapes by the bottom . Distribute the lower three shapes horizontally .
6 On the same slide , format all of the connector arrows 5 with the Moderate Line - Accent 5 shape style . Format