Buy here : http :// homework . plus / products . php ? product = exploring _ e 02 _ grader _ h4 . xlsx- % 28answer % 29
Buy here : http :// homework . plus / products . php ? product = exploring _ e 02 _ grader _ h4 . xlsx- % 28answer % 29
EXP ECH02 H4 - Professor ' s Grade Book 2.3
Project Description :
You are a teaching assistant for Dr . Denise Gerber , who teaches an introductory C # programming class at your college . One of your routine tasks is to enter assignment and test grades into the grade book . Now that the semester is almost over , you need to create formulas to calculate category averages , the overall weighted average , and the letter grade for each student . In addition , Dr . Gerber wants to see general statistics , such as average , median , low , and high for each graded assignment and test , as well as category averages and total averages . Furthermore , you need to create the grading scale on the documentation worksheet and use it to display the appropriate letter grade for each student .
Instructions :
For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks :
Step Instructions Points Possible