exploring_e02_grader_h2.xlsx (answer) Homework | Page 4

7 Calculate FICA in cell J5 based on gross pay and the
FICA rate ( stored in cell B23 ). Use relative and absolute cell references appropriately .
8 Calculate the net pay in cell K5 by subtracting the taxes 6.000 from the gross pay for the first employee .
9 Copy the formulas in the range E5 : K5 to the range 6.000
E6 : K16 .
10 Calculate the total regular pay , overtime pay , gross pay ,
8.000 taxable pay , withholding tax , FICA , and net pay in the respective cells within the range E17 : K17 .
11 Apply Accounting Number Format to the ranges 6.000
C5 : C16 , E5 : K5 , and E17 : K17 .