Explorers Issue August 2017 | Page 38

MADEXXXX SURVIVAL Tips for the Full-Time Entrepreneur MADE BY AAJA CORINNE MAGEE Y ou’re scrolling down your Instagram timeline and see some of your favorite entrepreneurs living the life – on vacation, dressed in the hottest clothes, and taking pictures with the who’s who. Meanwhile, you’re covered in work, at home in your pajamas, and wondering when the freedom of entrepreneurship will kick in for you. Well, let me tell you, progress is a process. Don’t limit your perspective only to what social media shows you. To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to put in work. On this journey, you have to protect game no matter what level you’re currently on: PHOTO CREDIT Queensview Creative Studios yourself against “brand envy,” understanding that the most successful businesses and brands are years in the making. It’s unfair to yourself to compare your day one to someone’s year ten. Everyone started at nothing. So, how do you make it on this journey of entrepreneurship? Here are some survival tips to keep you on your “A” made-magazine.com | 38 SET BOUNDARIES When you’re in the early stages of entrepreneurship, the tendency is to people please in order to make everyone happy, secure opportunities, and grow your business. That gets old fast as clients start texting you at odd hours, the lines of business and friendship get blurred, and people expect you to be available to them at every waking moment. Pretty soon, you’re consumed by your work, and you don’t have an identity outside of your business. Begin every relationship with clear