ExploreR3 2013 | Page 18

18 Q&A WITH R-III'S NEWEST LEADERS... TROY BUCHANAN HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL DR. JERRY RAINES TROY MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL KELLY BRISCOE Dr. Raines, you've spent much of your career with Lincoln County R-III Schools. What aspect of this district has kept you here for so long? The community, the students and the people I work with. The community is so inviting and is a great place to raise a family. The students are outstanding and you couldn't ask for better. The people I work with make me enjoy coming to work each and every day. What was it about Troy Middle School and the Lincoln County R-III School District that attracted you? My parents lived in Troy for 4 years, and my younger brother graduated from Troy Buchanan High School. I became familiar with Troy through my visits and was impressed by the Lincoln County R-III School District and the faculty that I was able to interact with. In your of?ce you have the phrase "Lead with Vision" framed. What is your vision for Troy Buchanan High School and how do you plan to get there? My vision for TBHS is to be the premier high school in the premier district in the state. We get there by having high expectations and setting goals. I love looking at data and I will be analyzing what our current reality is and how we can improve upon it. From that analysis an improvement plan will be developed and goals set. The goals will be lofty but attainable. How, in your new position, do you prepare students for the next level? College and career readiness is the primary mission of all high schools. TBHS is no exception and has been participating in the High Schools That Work initiative. We need to embrace this initiative and its ten key practices that impact student achievement through development of multiple programs of study that prepare students for post-secondary studies and careers. I plan on continuing these efforts and expanding upon them with programs such as Project Lead the Way & Gateway to Technology as well as the Flipped Classroom & STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) projects. What can students in your building expect/look forward to during their years there? Students can expect to see me participating in all aspects of the building. I will be highly visible on a daily basis both in the classroom and in the hallways. They can also expect me to be their biggest advocate and cheerleader. I want my students to feel like they can come to me with any issue that may be concerning them. Their three years at TBHS should be the best time of their lives. CLAUDE BROWN ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL MANDY CHAMPION What can students in your building and their families expect or look forward to during their years there? Students and their families can expect to have a collaborative environment with high expectations in the classroom. Positivity is the key to any learning culture. Students will be exposed to relevant, real life experiences they can apply to understanding core academic standards. In 2012, your school was named the Exemplary Professional Learning Community (PLC) school and you were named the 2012 Northeast Regional Professional Development Center’s Staff Developer of the Year. Both impressive distinctions. What did it take to achieve those distinctions? A few years ago the Moberly School District chose to go through Professional Learning Communities training. This required several hours of PD and implementing the PLC process in our buildings following training. Through the implementation of the PLC process in Moberly Middle School, the culture of learning changed and signi?cant progress was made with student achievement. The focus shifted from teachers teaching to students learning. Our PLC consultant nominated us for the Exemplary PLC distinction. Following the nomination, a state application was submitted and interviews with administration, faculty, building leadership team members, and students were conducted. After a period of time, MMS received word that it had been selected as a 2012 Exemplary PLC School! We were the only school that received this distinction in the northeast region in 2012. I was selected by the NE RPDC staff for the 2012 Staff Developer of the Year and had no idea I was going to receive that honor. What plans do you have for Troy Middle School faculty, staff and students in your ?rst year and coming years as principal? My plans for Troy Middle School are to learn as much about the programs as possible, continue work with the Core Academic Standards, and ensure that the students of TMS are learning. I look forward to meeting and getting to know the students and parents of Troy Middle School and ensure the best experiences possible at TMS! Flowers Are Fun... You’re a graduate of the district and have spent your entire career in the R-III District. What aspect of this district has kept you here for so long? Personally, I love the community! My family lives here and I like being “in the country,” but close enough to all my favorite places to shop and visit. Most importantly though, it’s the people! I have had many great opportunities in this community and as an R-III student. It is my pleasure to give back to a community that gave so much to me! How, in your new pos ][??[[?H?\\?H?Y[????H?^]?[?H?Y[?]\??\?^H?[X?\??H??\?HXX?\?[??[??&]?Z]??\??H?]\?B??[YH^X?][??\?H?[??\[ ?H?Y[]?]?[???\??Y[??Y?H^\?Y[??\?[??X?^H?[????[???[ \??[?Y?]^?[????Y\?H?\???[?]B???\\?H?Y[????H?^]?[ ?\???[?H?HXZ?[?????X?[???]??]?H[?XYH????\?[??[?[??Y\?Z?[???\?X[;? 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