Explore:NW Spring 2017 | Page 6

E D I T O R ’ S L E T T E R

Mother Nature Performs Daily

Pat Hoglund , Editor

THE WHITE HEAD OF THE bald eagle was in stark contrast to the shroud of green tree branches where it was perched . It waited patiently for an opportunity to present itself . The boat I was in quietly motored along rock outcroppings that jutted into the Pacific Ocean . Trolling a cutplug herring next to a kelp bed my boat was positioned less than 300 yards from shore . All too often king salmon will use the cover of kelp for protection and being an opportunistic angler I too waited for an opportunity to present itself . I looked over the side and saw a small salmon finning along the surface . It was dazed and temporarily disorientated . I suspect another fisherman had released it and it was trying to find safety in deeper water . The struggling pink salmon caught the attention of the bald eagle in the trees .

Realizing what was about to happen I grabbed my camera and fixed my 300 mm lens . Sure enough , the eagle left its perch and swooped down grabbing the fish in its talons . The shutter on my camera sounded like a shuffling deck of cards . By sheer luck I captured one of my favorite images . That photo serves as a reminder that Mother Nature is opportunistic , unforgiving and raw . In the same breath , she is every bit as harmonious and inspiring . I purposely chose that photo for the cover to remind all of us that outside our four walls beauty and splendor is waiting suzie puetz photo to be explored . Yet , while Mother Nature is performing daily concerts many of us busy ourselves up with pursuits that seem meaningless at the end of the day . Too often we forgo the concert and settle for a playlist that is comfortable and familiar . If we ’ re guilty of anything it ’ s not taking the time to take in a live show .
Exploring the outdoors seems to take a back seat more times than I care to admit . Life tends to get in the way . I suspect you feel the same way at times . But when I make time — whether it ’ s for fishing , snow skiing , playing a round of golf or going on a hike — I come home recharged and revitalized . There ’ s clarity to my world and I have a renewed perspective on life . To borrow a phrase , my batteries are re-charged . If that cover photo reminds us of anything , it ’ s that nature is a tonic to a busy schedule .
One of my favorite things about editing this magazine is living vicariously through the images and words that people share . I hope you find that same inspiration with this issue . Because there ’ s plenty of opportunity to do so . If you ’ re fascinated with nature I hope you enjoy the photo essay on whales . It ’ s found on page 14 . There are some amazing photos and each one is a reminder that Mother Nature puts on a helluva show . And while we ’ re all quick to point out that our children are plugged in too much , we probably all are guilty of the same thing . Which is why I encourage you to read Josh Temple ’ s piece “ War on Wi-Fi ” found on page 40 . It too is a reminder that once you ’ re out of cell phone range good things happen . These are just two examples of the opportunities to explore outside our four walls .

It ’ s my hope that you use the photos and stories in this magazine as motivation to take advantage of the opportunities that are available . Whether it ’ s whale watching , visiting a museum , finding a new restaurant , or going on a fishing trip , I encourage you to do so . Because sitting at home and listening to the same old play list pales in comparison to listening to a live concert . explore : NW

Kenmore Air ’ s In-Flight Magazine Your Complimentary Copy
Spring 2017 , Volume 2 , Issue 1
PUBLISHER Brookwood Press , Inc .
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS / PHOTOGRAPHERS Holly Lenk , Reuben Krabbe , Mikaela Cowles , Ty Edwards , Margo Pfeif , Josh Temple , Rob Casey , Sue Kernaghan , Valerie Shore , Clint Rivers , Gary Henkel , Adam Frederick
BROOKWOOD PRESS , INC . 3439 NE Sandy Blvd ., No . 108 Portland , OR 97232-1959 Office : 503-284-4383 Fax : 503-287-7210 www . brookwoodpress . com
KENMORE AIR ’ S CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Kenmore Air Harbor , Inc . 6321 NE 175th Street Kenmore , WA 98208 Office : 425-486-1257 Toll Free : 866-435-9524 Fax : 425-485-4774
ADVERTISING SALES OFFICE Katherine Kjaer 250-592-5331 katherinekjaer @ gmail . com
MORE INFO www . explorenorthwestmagazine . com
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Explore : NW magazine , the official inflight magazine for Kenmore Air , is published by Brookwood Press , Inc ., at 3439 NE Sandy Blvd ., No . 108 , Portland , Oregon 97232- 1959 . Copyright © 2017 by Brookwood Press , Inc . Published twice annually , Explore : NW is distributed free to Kenmore Air passengers . Along with free copies distributed during flight , the magazine is distributed at hotels , flight terminals and it is sold throughout bookstores in the Pacific Northwest . All rights reserved . No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission of the publisher . Printed in the United States of America .
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