Explore Vital Tips While You Plan To Travel BEST PLACE TO CELEBRATE HOLI IN INDIA | Page 4

Let me show you a very unique tradition of enjoying Holi at Barsana. As you can see the women with sticks and men saving themselves with shields, here Holi is played with sticks. Barsana was the village of Radha where Kanha used to tease her and her friends. In response to this, she chased Kanha. The festival extends for two days, where on the first day men from Nandgaon come to tease the women and in rage, they chased men with sticks. The second-day women go to Nandgaon to play Holi with men. You must be enjoying the fun of love teasing and how it strengthens a relationship. Are you not lost in the playful fight of Radha nad Krishna?