A passion for travel
Recently i’ve been exploring what people desire about
travel and why it is that people travel. So I spoke to Chris
Hall, a man who has done his fair share of travelling to
help me further understand why it is he travels and what
he loves about travelling.
So where abouts have you travelled?
ummm, in and around Europe, western Europe mainly, to the caribbean,
United States, Asia, yeah and other destinations.
Whats your favourite place in the world to travel?
Small Islands without a doubt.
Why is that?
The diversity of the islands, is stunning, the culture differs everywhere
you go and you can see the influence of European colonisation, take
visiting noumea for example, its just like visiting France, supermarkets,
language, everything about it, it’s really quite bizarre to see these
whole micro lives.
When did you first begin to develop a passion for
Uhh probably as an excuse to leave Yorkshire when I was probably 18
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