Explore Magazine Volume 1 | Page 23

Once you have established your inability to speak the native tongue, you may wish to ask for a person who, not to quote anz, speaks your language. You can do this by asking “do you speak english?” • French: Parlez vous anglais? • Mandarin: nǐ huì shuō yīngyǔ ma? • Spanish: ¿Habla Usted inglés? • Italian: Parla Inglese? • Turkish: Ingilizce konuşuyor musunuz? • German: Sprechen sie Englisch? • Russian: Vy go-vo-reet-ye po-ang-liy-skee? • Malay: Bisa berbahasa Inggeris? Lets be honest, possibly the question, you will be most desperate to have answered is “where is the bathroom”: • French: Où se trouvent les toilettes? • Mandarin: Cèsuǒ zài nǎlǐ • Spanish: ¿Dónde está el baño? • Italian: Dov'è il bagno? • Turkish: nerede banyo? • German: Wo ist die Toilette? • Russian: Gde tualet? • Malay: di mana bilik mandi? If you’re struggling to find someone who speaks english, your best bet will be the tourist information, you can simply ask, “where is the tourist information?” • ·French: où est l'information touristique? • Mandarin: Nǎlǐ shì lǚyóu xìnxī? • Spanish: ¿dónde está la información turística? • Italian: dove è l'informazione turistica? • Turkish: nerede turistik bilgi? • German: wo ist die Tourist-Information? • Russian: gde informatsiya dlya turistov? • Malay: di mana maklumat pelancong? Hopefully this blog has been in the least bit helpful to you guys , but before you head on your journey I recommend picking up a book of the area you are visiting as they will often have a basic language guide in the back (: if you don’t know which one to pick I recommend either an eyewitness travel pocket map and guide or bradt travel guide. Pg 19