Exploration of The Great DepressionThrough Art The Great Depression Through Art | Page 5

This image is very ironic. The name of the series is Drouth Survivors and the image itself contains very few live things. The only things I can see that are alive are the ones who slider and the ones that hide in holes underground. It’s interesting to me to see that in this instance the larger animal, typically associated with strength over a small animal like a squirrel, is the one that is dead. Personally, I see this as a something interesting because it's powerful enough to kill the cattle, drown a tractor in the sand, and break barbed wire fences. The dust storms were so powerful that farming in those lands was a both a nightmare and a dream for many of the farmers there. Not only was the soil no longer fertile but, it was also very dangerous to be around such powerful storms. People were killed by them the same way the cattle was. I think this is such an important aspect of the Great Depression because it shows that not only was the economy utterly disastrous but the living conditions and climate these people had to endure was unbelievable and dangerous.

The Painting: