Exploration Insights September 2020 | Page 17

2,900 2,500 2,100 1,750 550 1,100 540 750 1,300 1,100 1,000 888 530 520 600 410 300 250 230 200 140 ? 4 5 * * 6 * 7 8 * * 9 * * * ( ) 10 * * 11 12 * ( ) 13 * * * 14 * 15 Neftex Plate ( ) tectonic model * * * * 16 PalaeoPlates * * * End © 2020 Halliburton mic and commercial, global plate tectonic models developed by n global and partial Earth is explained in Figure 3. The information in from Vérard, 2018 and Chris Scotese pers. comm., London, 2017). et al., 1973), rights sold to company A; 2) Company A, rights sold to rvice (Hay et al., 1999, after rotation poles published in Sprinsky and . Scotese and Baker, 1976; Scotese et al., 2016); 8) CEED — Centre e Group, various Phanerozoic models (e.g. Seton et al., 2012; Gurnis 016; Müller et al., 2019); 10) PLATES model, University of Texas CP 440) (Li et al., 2008); 12) Precambrian models (Pisarevsky et al., 4) University of Lausanne plate tectonic model (e.g. Stampfli and ment continues as 15; 15) Neftex ® Plate tectonic model; and 16) emarks of The Rothwell Group, L.P.