Exploration Insights Great Geos ebook | Page 83

Great Geologists | 83 Henry Cadell demonstrates his “squeeze box” for simulating the deformation of rock units in the North- West Highlands in a photograph from 1889. REFERENCES This essay has drawn upon information from the following sources: Butler, R.W.H. 2010. The Geological Structure of the North- West Highlands of Scotland – revisited: Peach et al. 100 years on. In: Law, R.D., Butler, R.W.H, Holdsworth, R.E., Krabbendam, M. & Strachan, R.A. (eds.) Continental Tectonics and Mountain Building: The Legacy of Peach and Horne. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 335, 7-27. Dryburgh, P.M., Ross, S.M. & Thompson, C.L. 2014. Assynt: The Geologists Mecca. Edinburgh Geological Society, 36pp. Goodenough, K. M. & Krabbendam, M. 2011. A Geological Excursion Guide to the North-West Highlands of Scotland. Edinburgh Geological Society, 215pp. Mendum, J. & Burgess, A. 2017. John Horne (1848-1928). The Edinburgh Geologist, 61, 7-12. Oldroyd, D.R. & Hamilton, B.M. 2002. Themes in the early history of Scottish geology. In: Trewin, N.H. (ed.) The Geology of Scotland. The Geological Society, London, 27-44. Oldroyd, D.R. 1990. The Highlands Controversy. The University of Chicago Press. 438pp. Rider, M. 2005. Hutton’s Arse. Rider-French Consulting Ltd. 214pp. http://edinburghgeolsoc.org/eg_pdfs/issue57_peach.pdf