Exploration Insights Great Geos ebook | Page 5

Great Geologists: An Introduction Prof. Mike Simmons HALLIBURTON TECHNOLOGY FELLOW ([email protected]) Why a Compilation of Great Geologists? To the best of my knowledge, no compilation exists that provides succinct biographic summaries of Great Geologists, notwithstanding some excellent reviews of the history of geological thinking that focus on the development of geological theories (see reference list). The history of geoscience is marked by the work of exemplary scientists, who through their endeavours, changed the way we think about the Earth, its history, processes and resources. Some made huge intuitive leaps, recognising, for example, the immensity of geological time or the mobility of the continents. Others described rocks, minerals and fossils in the field, or laboratory, and provided vital data that allowed theories to develop. Others still embraced new technologies, such as geophysics, that enabled what cannot be observed directly to be interpreted. Many led colourful lives or overcame adverse circumstances. These seem like people worth knowing more about, not least, for the inspiration they provide. Geoscience is becoming increasingly specialized, numerical and driven by advances in computing, data science and by other technological innovations across a broad front. In these exciting times, it is easy to forget the founders of geology, the giants on whose shoulders we stand today. The history of geology is no longer taught at many universities. Many early career geologists have little idea who the Greats are or what their key accomplishments were. This is a pity because there is much to learn from geoscience leaders past and present, not least their approaches to scientific problems and their persistent endeavours, often in spite of difficulties or controversy. Their stories are inspirational and, if nothing more, give us role models that we can aspire towards. What Makes a Geologist Great? Any selection of Great Geologists must be a personal one, and I make no apologies for the fact that this is the case here. Once one has considered the truly astonishing insights of the founders of our science, James