Exploration Insights Great Geos ebook | Page 137

Great Geologists | 137 dynamic topography driven by vertical motions in the mantle. peer-reviewed journals to more general pieces aimed at a wider audience. Communication of science has always Raymo and her colleagues have visited been high on her agenda and she Australia, Italy, South Africa, the eastern has been frequently interviewed by United States and, Patagonia to measure the media, both to explain how the past sea-level high stands. After study of past climates can inform an correcting for shoreline movement from understanding of future climate change tectonic activity and the loading and and as a leading female scientist. unloading of ancient ice sheets, she and Written in Stone — a Geological History her team are amassing a continent-by- of the Northeastern United States continent map of where the seas stood. co-authored with her father is a well- Ultimately, they hope to understand to received book aimed at the interested what extent melting from Greenland and layperson. Antarctica contributed to sea-level rise when global average temperatures were The Wollaston Medal is just one of 2–3°C warmer than today. many accolades awarded to Raymo. In 2014 she received the Milutin Raymo’s many publications range from Milankovic Medal at the European the detailed science in high-impact Geosciences Union’s annual meeting in April for marshalling evidence from geochemistry, geology and geophysics to solve paleoclimatology’s big problems. “In an age of progressive research specialization, Raymo remains a model of interdisciplinary research” reads the award citation. In 2016 she was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Her citation for the Wollaston Model notes that “you are a profoundly important figure in marine geology, paleoceanography, climate and Earth System science. Your ideas and creativity have set the agenda for 30 years.” A fitting tribute to an extraordinary geologist. REFERENCES This essay has drawn upon information from the following sources: https://www.geolsoc.org.uk/About/History/Awards-Citations-Replies-2001-Onwards/2014-Awards-Citations-replies http://www.bu.edu/bridge/archive/2003/09-26/raymo.html https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/news-events/climate- scientist-first-woman-win-geologys-storied-wollaston-medal https://www.egu.eu/awards-medals/milutin-milankovic/2014/maureen-e-raymo/ http://moraymo.us/projects