Experience UK Guide 2023 | Page 9

Chair ’ s Introduction .


t is my pleasure , as I start my term as chairman of Experience UK , to welcome you to the 2023 edition of our Annual Guide . It comes at a time when optimism for the future is returning as we start to distance ourselves from the impact COVID 19 had on our industry . Travel , conferences , in-person meetings and trade shows and are all back ! They are all essential business tools on which we depend to develop new business in particular .
For many years I have believed that the UK has some of the best expertise and resource in the World for the design , development , implementation and operation of tourist attractions . This of course starts with our home market ; the UK has a huge history and a wealth of historic attractions and museums . But this is only part of the equation , we have a strong attraction market in the World of Themed Entertainment at all levels . Maybe we can ’ t boast Theme Parks on the size scale of the two leading IP ’ s , however , we know how to match the quality , the story-telling techniques and apply them to develop World Class Attractions .
Given a diverse home market , UK companies are well versed in working on cultural and themed IP based attractions . We are adept at flexible , creative , culturally sensitive and innovative thinking at all levels , particularly when budgets are tight !
This all results in UK companies being well respected all over the world and something for us to all capitalise on . I wish you success as you explore the international markets and see UK companies continuing an innovative and pivotal role in the global market .
David Willrich , Chair of Experience UK
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