Experience UK Guide 2023 | Page 84


Insights Driven Design For Visitor Attractions

Katapult works alongside many IPs to create themed attractions , such as Ferrari .
What are guest insights ?
Katapult continues to work on many global projects with The LEGO ® Group and Merlin Entertainments .
Most people would say that creating stand-out visitor attractions is more art than science – and yet , the benefits of using guest insights to inform great design is a powerful , and an often overlooked tool . The team at international themed attraction and experience designers , Katapult , explain the benefits of using this approach to develop both commercial and creative goals .
Guest insights are anything and everything known about the guests . Having an understanding of this data helps designers move away from assumptions and bias to a more informed method of attraction design , that helps raise the bar . By using insights to inform design briefs , investment plans , or creative partner selection , companies can feel more confident in developing attractions that resonate with the target audience and stand out amongst competitors .
Using insights to deliver on your commercial goals
Commercial goals and creative design are not mutually exclusive . In fact , insights driven design can amplify the commercial results . Footfall , spend per head , dwell time , repeat visits , online engagement , and reviews can all be improved by smart attractions design . Being guest- oriented means you are in a relationship where guests exchange their precious time for the experience ; and where guests choose to spend their time is where they will also spend their money . Just look at how much people spent on in-home entertainment and home improvements during lockdown , as an example .
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