Experience UK Guide 2023 | Page 51

With its expansive range of projection , direct view , processing , and software products , Christie is uniquely positioned to supply seamlessly integrated solutions that cover the entire workflow .
At the Museum of Science and Technology in Islam ( MOSTI ) at The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ( KAUST ) in Saudi Arabia , Christie solutions were selected and integrated by Stage Audio Works , a leading international supplier , manufacturer , and distributor of complete technology solutions , to update and futureproof the museum .
Taking museum technology into a new age
With the museum beginning to show signs of age , formula D _, a specialist in impactful visitor experiences , secured a tender for the technological curation and refurbishment of MOSTI , which had been last updated in 2009 . A complete overhaul of the AV equipment was required to take advantage of the latest technologies and to deliver a modern storytelling experience . formula D _ contracted Stage Audio Works ( SAW ) to specify , supply , and integrate the equipment . RenderHeads Limited created the custom-made software used in the exhibits .
“ Everything was running on analogue VGA , it had touch screens connected with RS232 cables , and the projectors had been in place for over a decade , so it seemed like the right time for a refresh ,” says Nathan Ihlenfeldt , chief technology officer at SAW . “ Our goal was to modernize all the technology and create a platform that could easily be updated and changed in line with the vision of the museum . Most of the content and exhibits remain the same , but all the technology was replaced from start to finish . Christie products offer good value , and we have a lot of experience with Christie and its Pandoras Box solution . We ’ ve executed a couple of projects with similar equipment , so it ’ s something that we know and trust .”
Immersing visitors in an upgraded visual experience
MOSTI was outfitted with 13 Christie GS Series 1DLP ® laser projectors throughout the space , replacing older lamp-based technology . A range of different lenses were used , to suit the available space and distance to the projection screens or objects .
The GS Series projectors are driven by a Christie Pandoras Box ® Server , which powers the content across various exhibits . In an object theatre zone – one of the larger interactive exhibits – three projectors are blended to deliver a short presentation about advancements in chemistry , providing a multi-screen immersive experience . In another area , content is mapped onto objects , including a sphere . Projectors were installed discreetly up high to ensure the technology remains unobtrusive .
A further exhibit makes use of Christie AirScan touch-free interactive technology , where visitors are invited to wave their hand over stickers , which triggers an audio file to elaborate on the story . A total of 40 touchscreen panels were also installed throughout the space as part of formula D _’ s set designs , providing additional interactivity .
Futureproofing exhibits with flexible and efficient AV
The entire installation is now configured with HDBaseT using Cat6 cable to allow for complete control of video . Other AV elements including speakers are controlled via IP . The substantial network upgrades have simplified day-to-day operation and maintenance , and they provide a backbone to allow for easier development should the museum wish to change its setup in the future . The server room has also been streamlined , reduced from a total of 11 server racks to just four – it runs on approximately 1 / 8th-1 / 10th of the power consumption of the previous system .
The system now provides a leaner , more energy-efficient solution , with strong network elements to enable future updates to the museum as and when necessary , contributing to KAUST ’ s vision of establishing a House of Knowledge and inspiring the next generation of visitors .
The upgraded AV system now provides a leaner , more energy-efficient solution , with strong network elements to enable future updates to the museum as and when necessary .
A complete overhaul of the AV equipment at MOSTI was required to take advantage of the latest technologies and deliver a modern storytelling experience .
Christie ® GS Series 1DLP ® laser projectors are used throughout the space to engage guests with bright , vibrant visuals .
Powering museums , projection-mapping spectaculars , theme park dark rides , and other media-based attractions around the world , Christie solutions delight guests with awe-inspiring experiences . Christie can help you design remarkable immersive experiences from the ground up . We take care of the underlying technology and offer fully customizable , professional services so you can focus on captivating and thrilling your visitors . For more information , visit christiedigital . com
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