Experience UK Guide 2023 | Page 25

Brompton Cemetery Conservation Project - The Royal Parks
whether they have low ( 1-3 ) or high ( 4-5 ) confidence in demand .
Cost of living There is evidence to show the sector may be attempting to absorb cost increases , with indications that while costs – including energy , other overheads and supplies – have risen significantly , prices charged by the sector have largely not changed , or only increased by a little . This may be because only small price increases are required , but there are indications instead that this is the result of hesitancy .
Our new strategy , rolled out over the coming year , seeks to support heritage in navigating these challenges .
Over the next decade we will take a longer-term view , investing in heritage for the future . We ’ ll invest in places , not just individual
projects , to bring about benefits for people , places and our natural environment . We ’ ll strengthen partnerships with governments , local authorities and statutory agencies and create new collaborations with those who share our vision for heritage to be valued , cared for and sustained for everyone .
We will strengthen and focus our support for the UK ’ s heritage using four principles to underpin our investment - saving heritage ; protecting the environment ; inclusion , access and participation and organisational sustainability .
We believe in the power of heritage to bring people together , make places better and enrich people ’ s lives .
Eilish McGuinness CEO of National Lottery Heritage Fund www . heritagefund . co . uk
Crystal Palace Park , Credit Big Ladder . Photography experienceuk . org 25