Experience UK Guide 2023 | Page 11

Department for Business & Trade Foreword .

I am delighted to , once more , introduce The Guide . Two years ago , at the height of the pandemic , I wondered whether the concept of the Experience Economy would survive , let alone thrive . However , what we have seen over the last twelve months suggests that experiential products and services are in demand more than ever . As the world ’ s tourism infrastructure gets back into shape , competition for the visitor pound , euro or dollar is becoming ever more fierce and the need to differentiate becomes ever greater . The UK ’ s offer – as set out so superbly in this Guide – is second to none , and I look forward to working with this amazing community of creatives to get ever more UK know-how and products into the world ’ s attractions market .

A word of congratulation is due to Ian and the team at Experience UK . Over the last year , they have pulled together a remarkable programme of activity to support their members – activity which included taking groups to key events , producing timely and accurate market research and , in March , taking ( to Azerbaijan ) the first ever Experience UK trade mission . But in a year full of highlights , the standout moment for me was the fantastic Experience UK stand at IAAPA Europe at the Excel – showcasing an array of absolutely brilliant talent .
Looking forward to 2023 / 24 , let me pick out the “ Experience on Main Street ” conference – a great example of Experience UK leading the conversation about how experiential creativity can transform urban areas . The UK has so much to offer in this aspect of placemaking and I am really excited about the international possibilities ahead .
Wishing you a successful and peaceful year
Richard Parry , Experience Economy Lead , at the Department for Business and Trade
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