Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 93


use of cutting-edge technology to celebrate engineering brilliance and explore the science behind steam locomotion .
The attraction was built in two shipping containers that can travel separately to a destination and that are then connected together when in use . It first opened at the National Railway Museum in York , attracting diverse visitor categories . Science Museum Group have been delighted with the response from visitors and press alike with their main takeaway being that “ people love it ”. Over 80 % of visitors thought Flying Scotsman VR was the best thing about their visit to National Railway Museum and 97 % would recommend Flying Scotsman VR to others . Future destinations are to be announced , but wherever it travels , Flying Scotsman VR is sure to appeal to audiences that are new to the world of rail , as well as passionate locomotive specialists and VR enthusiasts alike .
in partnership with www . sarner . com
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