Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 74

26 . Layered Reality

Delivering ‘ new & different ’ experiences audiences crave

Layered RealityTM is an innovative , tech led , immersive experience company that utilises technology to deliver guests extraordinary memories . It has pioneered the development of layered reality that fuses technologies ( AR , VR , binaural sound , projection mapping ...) with theatre ( large scale sets and actors ) and physical sensations ( taste , temperature , touch , aroma …).
The result is truly immersive experiences that take guests to another world .
They currently operate two experiences in London , both featuring themed bars , themed food and feature length immersive experiences . Jeff Wayne ’ s The War of the Worlds : The Immersive Experience is based in the former London Metal Exchange in the heart of the City and takes guests back to
Guests at The Gunpowder Plot make a daring escape from the Tower of London using virtual reality , motion simulators and multisensory technology Credit : Mark Dawson Photography
Guests witness a Martian invasion at Jeff Wayne ’ s War of the Worlds : The Immersive Experience Photo credit : Manuel Harlan
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