Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 61


audiences across the UK . The initial 12-month programme takes place between April 2023 to March 2024 .
The programme is a part of the StoryTrails legacy . StoryTrails was a national AR and VR programme that was distributed across 18 public libraries , upskilled over 155 librarians , and made immersive experiences accessible to the general public across the UK . StoryTrails continues to evolve and entertain audiences of all ages through library spaces .
18 libraries and 7 cinemas were involved in the initiative , with 903 librarians and 65 cinema staff receiving training . Over 50 events and screenings were conducted , attracting audiences exceeding 7,000 individuals .
Through this 12-month programme , our vision was to innovate and explore how VR location-based entertainment ( LBE ) is integrated into other types of venues within the creative industries . Our goal was to reach an even broader audience base and entertain through immersive storytelling .
Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 in partnership with www . storyfutures . com