Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 6

DBT Foreword

Richard Parry Head - Experience Economy Team Department for Business & Trade
Richard . parry @ trade . gov . uk
I am thrilled to introduce this , the third , edition of Experience On Main Street ( EOMS ).
I created the EOMS concept as a response to the twin threats on the world ’ s downtown areas caused by the pandemic and the seemingly relentless march of online retail . It seemed to me that a creative response was needed - an injection of fantastic , innovative and engaging installations that would bring people back to cities and promote dwell time - thus generating on-spend in the hospitality and transportation sectors .
With companies and other organisations encouraging workers to return to offices and a “ back to normal ” approach many people are now feeling , some of the more pessimistic predictions about the commercial health of our cities have not come true . But many of our urban areas continue to struggle . Hybrid working , pressures on the retail sector from economic slowdown and cost of living crises mean that imaginative solutions are needed .
In this brochure you will find a wide range of such solutions . Products and services that can transform places and spaces . Working with Ian and his team at Experience UK , we are promoting the EOMS brand worldwide . We are in conversation with a number of US cities and we are planning placemaking events in London and Hong Kong .
I hope you enjoy perusing the content . I am hugely proud of being able to work with the great companies featured and look forward to promoting their products to a global audience .
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