Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 56

Gazooky Studios

AI-assisted XR Creation Platform

Gazooky Studios is an award-winning studio ( BAFTAs , Prix Europa , Digital Leaders Awards ). It delivers unforgettable Extended Reality experiences throughout the world , working with multiple partner-companies , including Costain , PwC , BBC , and European Space Agency .
Through their spin-off company , Second- Stride , they ’ ve launched a world-first product : GallARie .
GallARie is an end-to-end customer-engagement solution , harnessing AI , Augmented
Reality , and gamification so that clients can create and geolocate XR-content effortlessly in the real world .
Clients use the revolutionary , Content-Creator- System , to create , curate and disseminate high-quality engaging content - sounds , images , fun activities , story-trails , talking 3D avatars . GallARie ’ s clients can place 3D AR content anywhere they want , overlaid on the physical world , directing it to customers through networks of GPS-triggers , or QR-coded information-points .
3D AR avatars for Kenya Airways
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