Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 20

Lodestar and Leisure Development Partners

Making Leisure Happen

Lodestar ( boutique retail consultant ) & Leisure Development Partner ( leisure and entertainment economics experts ) collaborate on selected retail projects to make leisure happen . It ’ s now accepted by the retail real estate sector that leisure and entertainment will become an integral part of the shopping centre experience , functioning as a true anchor .
Adding good quality attractions to malls has multiple benefits . It can extend the catchment to a two-hour drive time and encourages repeat visitors , increased dwell time and spend with other tenants with the benefits of pre-school during the day , schools during the week and families at the weekend .
Success of attractions is driven by throughput as opposed to sales per sqft , really benefitting malls . In increasingly competitive markets and more online shopping , attractions also differentiate the mall in the eye of the consumer . The benefits are reciprocated , as being located in a mall with a heavy footfall represents a real opportunity for new visitor experiences , but it ’ s important that the operator understands its market and catchment and offers value and repeatability .
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