Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 15


partnerships create spaces for start-up and community initiatives , new exhibition and performance spaces , and creative hubs . By tracking the impact of these precedents of temporary and adaptive reuse , it ’ s been established that they generate spillover effects by creating new jobs and training opportunities , attracting new audiences and footfall , and animating central urban areas that would otherwise be underutilised .
While some temporary and adaptive reuse activations combine cultural uses and social services , others have predominantly visitor-focused and commercial remit , e . g . commercial and warehouse spaces repurposed for digital immersive experiences , site-specific participative theatre , and pop-up event spaces . Apart from animating the urban infrastructure and thus often preventing it from long-term disuse and dereliction , these culture-led projects tend to
contribute to the overall character of the area , and can serve as drivers of place-making , innovation , and revitalisation of neighbourhoods .
In embarking on a culture-led transformation of vacant spaces and sites , funders , operators , and landowners from private and public sectors can benefit from robust market research to identify specific types of demand and optimal options for short and long-term use . Developing cultural plans and cultural infrastructure strategies is one of the key policy mechanisms to ensure that such opportunities are encouraged and appropriately supported . Such culture-led activation and repurposing of urban spaces meaningfully contributes to making our cities more livable , creative , and fun .
Occupying a former multi-storey car park on Rye Lane in Peckham , London , Peckham Levels is a multi-purpose venue accommodating artist studios , workspaces , event spaces , and food & beverage operations . Photo by Peckham Levels .
Voids Activation Pop-up Project by Westminster Council supported a series of arts events and residencies in central London . Photo by Westminster Council .]
www . aeaconsulting . com in partnership with
Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 15