Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 117


and help retailers and hospitality businesses by driving footfall . 374 hearts were painted across the city centre ’ s green spaces overnight , creating one of the most talked about UK reopening campaigns . National coverage totalled £ 2 million equivalent media value and reached over 87 million people . Huge social media coverage included NBC & BBC News and achieved The Guardian ’ s and The Times ’ Picture of the Day .
Weston Wallz
Working with Culture Weston , the team has delivered an annual mural festival across two weeks , delivering landmark murals throughout the area . A part of a wider placemaking and wayfinding strategy , Weston Wallz delivered 18 new murals in 2023 , in addition to the existing 30 from previous events . 35 pieces of coverage included national and regional TV features and a social reach of over 300,000 .
The Y Project - Fragile by My Dog Sighs for Weston Wallz 2023
The Y Project - Hearts in the Park for Bristol BID
Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 in partnership with www . the-yproject . com