Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 96


The immersive rock star experience

WeJam is the world ’ s first and only immersive rock star experience - a tech-enabled group activity letting you start your own band , even if you ’ ve never picked up an instrument before .
Conceived as a more exhilarating alternative to karaoke , WeJam ’ s patent pending technology allows complete beginners to play their favourite songs in less than an hour on the specially modified drums , keyboards , and guitars provided .
Each session is led by a professional musician who not only guides players through the chosen song but is there to entertain and ensure everybody has a great time .
With a range of difficulty settings available , players of all abilities can jam together and challenge themselves accordingly . On the easiest level , participants simply play a single note every four beats . Correctly hitting that note unlocks or ‘ triggers ’ the more complex music from the original song to be audible . At the hardest setting , experienced performers can choose to go ‘ freestyle ’ and play the instruments in the regular manner .
All players have their music displayed to them on-screen , which syncs automatically with the song . Beginners follow a colour coded system whilst more advanced players can choose to see standard notation . Via their tablet , players can also change the sound of their instrument and experiment with different effects . Just like professional bands , they can also adjust the levels of each band member in their personal headphone mix .
Budding guitarist takes to the stage
96 WeJam