Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 80

ray hole architects

Footprints : Installing art in public spaces to support the world ’ s endangered species

Ray hole architects shares how art instillations themed around wildlife conservation can revitalise public spaces .
Footprints™ is one of ray hole architects ’ primary “ awareness building ” tools , which by creating transformational experiences , can establish positive lifelong beliefs and values for young people . Through footprints , ray hole architects installs artworks based on the representations and activity of the world ’ s endangered species . The initiative is primarily targeted at five to 11 year olds , but also has an appeal to the general public – with the aim to affirm more “ ecologically aware ” citizens . through corporate responsibility programs or local authority manifestos . This promotes an inclusive and flexible local funding opportunity at each installation town or city by its citizens , shareholders and stakeholders .
Developers may also incorporate this into their public realm strategies and development agreements .
ray hole architects would project manage each installation of footprints , which can be implemented at a variation of public spaces . Those interested in the opportunity can contact Ray Hole , at rh @ rh-architects . com .
“ A Footprints™ art installation can revitalise a public space during its implementation stage and act as a continuous attractor -literally creating a living artwork embedded in the urban fabric of a place - yet tracking the status of endangered species , demonstrating a community ’ s affinity to the natural world .” Explains Ray Hole , Founder and Director ray hole architects .
Not only does a Footprints instillation encourage positive change , but can also draw together an inclusive coalition – formed of youths , local companies , environmental institutions and political bodies .
This concept provides the opportunity for private and public bodies to express their green credentials – either by association
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