Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 8

AEA Consulting

How can cultural experiences help revitalise downtown areas ?

By Natalia Vartapetova , Consultant , AEA Consulting
City and town centres – the ‘ downtown ’ areas – have long been the clusters of civic , business , and cultural activity defining the character , brand , and appeal of many urban environments around the world . A number of significant changes in the ways we commute , work and spend our free time have affected the downtowns in the 21st century and the pandemic has accelerated these changes further . Digital and technological advances mean we can work and gather virtually from anywhere . Mass tourism has overpopulated some areas but left others to fight for visitors . Brick-and-mortar hospitality and retail need to innovate and pivot to compete with their online counterparts .
The implications of Covid-19 have compelled policymakers and urban planners to rethink approaches to public life and the public realm . City governments , local authorities , and others with a mandate to manage the character and livelihoods of downtown areas are strategizing initiatives to reinvigorate downtowns with daytime and night-time activities and placemaking that can generate footfall , support retail and hospitality businesses , and contribute to the overall liveliness and attractiveness of downtowns .
The constituencies driving these initiatives range from artists , community leaders and activists , to creative businesses , cultural organisations , and districts , to public sector bodies and public-private partnerships .
Winter Lights at Canary Wharf © Garry Knight
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