Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 6

DIT Foreword

A warm welcome to this , the second edition of “ Experience On Main Street ” – a celebration of British experiential products and services designed to add entertainment and engagement to urban environments around the world .
Richard Parry Head - Experience Economy Team Department for International Trade
Richard . parry @ trade . gov . uk
Originally conceived as a solution to the societal changes apparent during the Coronavirus pandemic , Experience On Main Street has – I believe – even more relevance in what I fervently hope turns out to be a post-pandemic world . Downtown areas were already in decline before the virus struck , with stores often heading for out-of-town retail parks . Or being overwhelmed by big brand and big budget competitors . Or turning to the ever-growing online marketplace in order to survive .
Fewer shops mean fewer people . And people are a city or town ’ s lifeblood . A lifeless high street / main street is – as I have seen in my hometown – a recipe for social unease .
How do we regenerate these places ? How do we get footfall back ? Of course there is no one easy answer , but the creation of engaging and stimulating “ things to do , places to go , people to see ” is certainly one piece of the jigsaw . Browsing these pages , I am – again - amazed by the depth and breadth of creative talent here in the UK . Talent which I believe can be used to help towns and cities here and around the world inject life into their dormant places and spaces .
With huge thanks to our friends and colleagues at Experience UK , who put together this cornucopia of delights , I wish you ever-increasing happy urban experiences !
6 DIT Foreword