Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 14

Mercedes Drive Thru2 Roller girl - Credit : Ann Charlott Ommedal
Rather more pragmatically , there ’ s just the right availability of space to forge this form of entertainment . The UK has enough space for larger shows , but you are under a certain amount of commercial pressure . There ’ s a need to deliver something so remarkable that a significant sized audience is willing to travel and pay for their pleasures .
Finally , there ’ s the temperate , largely gentle weather . Moderation means that it ’ s neither too hot nor cold to enjoy an experience in found spaces , rarely reliant on heating or aircon to be tolerable . That said , it ’ s not gentle enough to spend the entire year outdoors . The demand for compelling indoor entertainment supplies the audiences required for a remarkable business .
Brace yourself . All those outfits outlined above are bringing their approach to experiential design to Asia with recent or forthcoming shows . The new retail and commercial landscapes that will emerge post-Covid will be ever more reliant on experiences to drive footfall . Here ’ s to compelling lived experiences once again .