Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 120

Hirsch & Mann

Using digital to create meaningful and artistic experiences

London based design and technology agency Hirsch & Mann has a passion for creatively unique , impactful and memorable physical and digital experiences for cities , cultural and educational spaces for brands and hybrid environments .
Combining emotional and compelling storytelling with technology , Hirsch & Mann aims to stimulate intrigue and impact , connecting the experience ’ s message with the audience in new , emerging and unexpected ways .
The agency ’ s specialisms include the ability to craft narratives for a wide range of industry sectors , from science & technology , to food & beverages – with their core aim to put the audience at the heart of the experience . Hirsch & Mann prides on designing environments which are responsive , playful , stimulating and immersive .
A diverse range of projects have been completed by Hirsch & Mann , encapsulating spectacular design , storytelling and technology . These include the Instrument Cloud , an interactive light and experience that records the ‘ pulse ’ of the city , by inviting people to make music through their interaction with six biometric and robotic stations on the ground below the cloud .
Others include Bat Tagging , an Interactive LED activation that calls for pedestrians to co-create artwork by putting an LED push pin into the wall , while creating illuminating street art . Along with Engine , an ever-evolving generative artwork that paints what it sees using dynamic brush strokes .
Hirsch & Mann ’ s experiences and instillations can take place in a diverse range of spaces , from window displays , to visitor centres and pop-ups .
Lately , the agency ’ s focus has been directed towards playful and meaningful experiments that address the needs of the post-pandemic world , with the aim of actively injecting life back into cities all around the world .
Instrumental Cloud designed for Vigo in Johannesburg , South Africa
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