Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 118


Your personal guide to the world

Known as the “ the future of travel-tech ” by VisitBritain and “ game-changing technology for travel ” by Euromonitor International , Geotourist is highly-regarded as an indispensable travel companion .
The digital platform features a global collection of localised stories , which are activated by the users ’ location . These are told by reputable organisations , well-known celebrities and local & expert gurus , who guide the user in real-time around their chosen destination .
Geotourist is in the process of building an accessible audio map of the world to promote seamless travel for visitors across borders through a free smartphone app and web platform .
Curators have designed Geotourist to remove barriers for people to travel further and explore more - by delivering an experience in multiple languages which connect visitors to culture , heritage , landmarks and trails all over the world .
Users can consider Geotourist as a natural social media platform for travel stories , which drive footfall , engagement , revenue and insights . Its also the perfect solution to navigate people away from the busiest travel hotspots to lesser-known locations while enhancing their overall experience .
Another benefit is that it can be utilised as an experiential marketing tool to reach potential visitors virtually , wherever they maybe . A core aim is to connect communities with their high streets and draw people back into their town centres by using the stories of real locals .
Geotourist supplies the facilities to support a variety of themes , including food & shopping , personal stories and heritage of places & buildings .
The team endeavours to measure analytics and footfall to help inform local and economic development both on a micro & macro level , and can offer support through the creative process to delivering location-based stories for visitors to access .
Enticing locals back into their town centres
Art Omi and Architecture Park in Ghent , New York Artwork : SCHWEDER + SHELLEY , REACTOR Credit : Richard Barnes
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