Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 11

and galleries , performing arts spaces , cinemas , and multi-purposes arts facilities . With the support of Future High Streets Fund , Fargate – a pedestrian precinct and shopping area in Sheffield , is being reimagined as a creative and cultural hub , which includes repurposing a five-storey building , currently used for short-term retailing , into a year-round event facility and providing outdoor space for major international events . This scheme is expected to attract over 100,000 visitors annually , of which 50 % are assumed to be ‘ new ’ visitors to the area .
Zoning , incentives , and land use
Culture-centric tax schemes , official designation as business improvement or cultural districts , and other value capture measures enable local communities to recover the increase in land value and provide incentive to specific types of activities , e . g . arts and culture . Land use regulations enabling conversion of commercial property into other uses present opportunities for cultural programming or live-work and housing spaces for creatives . Commercial property can be used for pop-up projects , mixing retail , creative uses , and culture . Collaborations between multiple sectors and neighbourhoods encourage new uses of city centre commercial property and bring diverse groups of visitors to the central urban areas and high streets .
In thinking through the experiences that can reinvigorate downtown areas , some main principles can be applied to ensure long-term sustainability and public appeal :
• Hybrid arts , culture , and entertainment experiences co-curated with ‘ stars ’ from arts and entertainment sector and local communities and businesses ;
• A welcoming , democratic , accessible , well-maintained public realm – plazas and city squares ; expanded pedestrian and green areas ; cycling routes ; safe spaces for children and families ; etc .;
• Regular curated activity , e . g . festivals , fairs , markets , public art ;
• Enabling adaptive reuse , pop-up experiences , and cross-sector collaborations in downtown real estate and public space merging creative uses , retail , food & beverage , and immersive entertainment ;
• Animation of street life with other curated and informal activity and provision of attractive and safe spaces to gather and improvise ;
• Last but not least – a clear vision and funding support beyond these efforts .
Research and studies internationally have shown that cultural experiences generate ‘ spillover ’ effects and bring long-term benefits to these host communities and neighbourhoods . Beyond urban revitalisation , these experiences create opportunities for new types of cross-sector collaboration and innovation and contribute to the character of the spaces they inhabit . City , industry , and community leaders would be right in prioritising culture and enabling these experiences in their multiple forms and manifestations .
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Experience On Main Street 11