Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 104

Gazooky Studios

Driving footfall with AR storytelling

Gazooky Studios are BAFTA award-winning immersive storytellers , who enchant place with high-quality augmented reality content . A European Space Agency Incubator company , they geolocate 3D virtual images , characters , AR portals and 3D objects , overlaid on reality , anywhere in the physical world .
Their latest project , ARcade , is a platform of geolocated virtual spaces : Augmented Reality ARcades of information , story and culture . Accessed through smart devices , these portals turn everyday locations into virtual cinemas , marketing billboards , museums , art galleries , classrooms . The arcades drive footfall , and using AR story-hooks , move customers around retail spaces .
Using interactive maps , customers follow story-trails , where AR portals appear magically before them , with enticing images glimmering inside . Once inside , story / information happens all around . Customers can interact with the arcade interior , making mini-films come to life , or information panels pop-up .
A sophisticated content-management system , with easy , intuitive functions , allows clients to place content inside their own bespoke arcades at the click of a button . There ’ s no need to be an AR software expert – now anyone can be content creators in the metaverse !
AR arcades are strategically placed to drive footfall . Retailers can curate their own arcades , with vox-pops , story-videos , website clickthroughs , and story-game vouchers . This creates massive up-spend - for every £ 1 voucher participating retailers spend , they can get £ 11 from increased footfall and sales .
Enchanting locations with AR portals
Interactive multi-lingual maps
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