EXPERIENCE 4 | Page 18

MINISTRY: When you try to be plain to everybody, you become a target especially to the leader. That you are trying to tell him or her that he or she do not know what he or she is doing, that you that just started yesterday is trying to give him or her correction, that you have not removed the plank in your own eye and is trying to remove just a speck from his or her own eyes and a lot more. The gift that you think you have that before you even make a step in the spiritual realm, he or she had travelled four times and had come back. That you have not reached the level of telling him or her whatever he or she has done wrong, that it is either you accept whatever he or she does or you leave. Here, it is only the boundless graces of God that will keep your life because they may even go as far as calling your name on their altar and commanding their so-called angels to go after you (men and women of God).