Exhibition World Issue 6 | Page 35


On a green mission

Catie Owen spoke to Roger Lehner , senior operations and sustainability executive at IMEX , about the green initiatives at the core of October ’ s show in Las Vegas
What were IMEX America 2023 ’ s sustainability initiatives ? We ’ ve honed our sustainability initiatives over a very long time and have achieved a lot over the years . Now we ’ re working on incrementally improving the areas that we ’ ve been working on for so long – the largest of these being materials , resources , and waste . These factors go hand in hand , so having an eye on our waste streams is vital . This is especially the case when it comes to F & B .
Sourcing the food is a huge focus area for us , which means we prioritise our vegan and vegetarian menu . That doesn ’ t mean that we don ’ t offer any meat or fish , we just have a higher percentage of vegan and vegetarian options . We limit ourselves to a radius of 500 miles to source local products – which includes our drinks and the water at the show . Being mindful of our water waste is crucial at IMEX America ,
Above : Roger Lehner , senior operations and sustainability executive , IMEX
as Las Vegas suffers from low water levels .
It also considers the vessels that we use to serve the food on the show floor and whether they
IMEX America ’ s Resilience Room are compostable . Although some products might be labelled as biodegradable , it ’ s important to investigate whether the venue can compost those items . We have certain products that we can ’ t use because they aren ’ t compostable at the facilities locally available in Las Vegas .
We put a lot of effort into labelling at the show , such as dietary requirements , the carbon footprint and the water impact of our food and materials . This is for inclusivity and improving our communication about our sustainable efforts .
IMEX is also part of the Net Zero Carbon Events initiative , however , our internal strategy is to hit net zero by 2030 rather than the initiative ’ s 2050 goal . Our internal strategy also includes our work with isla , a nonprofit focused on sustainable events . That ’ s been a game-changer for us in terms of tracking the event ’ s carbon footprint , as they provide real-time insights . It ’ s amazing to have a tool like that available which helps us make decisions in real time .
Were any initiatives new for this year ? This year we were able to remove carpet from areas we previously hadn ’ t been able to . For example , this year was the first where we ’ d been able to drastically reduce the carpet in the Inspiration Hub , leaving it only in the actual theatres to help with noise absorption – otherwise , it would be carnage in terms of audio . We also need to be mindful of where carpets are used , as removing them can exclude neurodivergent and disabled attendees .
We ’ ve been putting considerable energy into enhancing our accessibility and inclusion initiatives . This has included making information readily available , such as including accessibility needs on
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