Exhibition World Issue 6 | Page 30

from a construction magazine to a construction event .
So , we should be open minded about recruitment and think what types of people from other industries could work well in events we operate and how we can attract them . The attractiveness comes back to the sense of purpose – if we can deliver fantastic content , and exciting , engaging events that help industries evolve for a better future and we achieve this – then there is a huge sense of job satisfaction .
How do you assess the recent failings of much hyped virtual event platforms ? What role do expect virtual events to play in the near future ? They will be embedded into and around the physical , face to face events . Exhibitions in some form or other have been around for thousands of years and have seen huge advances in technology which have all ended up being not a threat but a benefit . Technology has often been viewed as a threat when in reality it has helped events grow and develop .
Virtual platforms were incredibly valuable during Covid , helping organisers to maintain customer connections and to serve the industries they represent with valuable information .
Having virtual options now gives organisers the opportunity to deliver some of the key content from the conference or the exhibitor floor to people who could not attend in person . This extends the events reach and its customer service and is therefore highly beneficial . Our industry learnings about virtual events during the pandemic will help us to make our physical events reach more customers and serve our industries better .
How is the industry progressing in terms of meeting the sustainability
goals set by the UN and adopted by UFI ? How do you expect to lead on this issue and what is the feedback on this big issue in general from members ? We ’ re all in this together , and I am very happy that UFI continues to drive many of the core developments within the Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative . Trade Shows and exhibitions make up between 25 % and 33 % of the total event industry globally , depending on the numbers you are using – so we are a vital part of the whole global events industry , and are keen to do our part in moving the whole sector towards Net Zero .
It is breath-taking and encouraging to see how much had been accomplished there in just two years , and the onus will be on us all going forward to ensure we implement properly what the initiative advised us on , as all their recommendations are based on many of the best and brightest of our industry putting their heads together on this .
What can you say on UFI ’ s new move into North America with the setting up of a chapter there ? It is not a “ new move ”, it is simply an organisational response to growing member needs . UFI has been a part of the industry ecosystem there for a long time already .
UFI runs chapters in global regions where we have a relevant share of members of at least 5 % of our global membership . And our membership numbers rise constantly across North America . Right now , 7 % of all UFI members are from North America , and more than 25 % of our members have subsidiaries or relevant business there , even if their headquarters are based elsewhere .
Through the North America chapter , we will be able to make better connections for UFI members from the region . And we can better assist and support members from other parts of the world in finding contacts and business partners in North America .
What new issues are likely to be bubbling up for future discussions at UFI forums in the near future ? As every year , we will release UFI ’ s ‘ 5 trends to watch ’ in December , listing the themes that are driving board room discussions around the industry . And we will programme the content for the regional conferences in the coming months around these .
How are you approaching Global Exhibitions Day and what are the messages we should be promoting collectively there this year ? In 2024 , GED will take place on 5 June . Traditionally , UFI will serve as the project office for this global awareneness and advocacy day . The 2024 theme is currently being discussed in calls with a working group of industry associations . It will be announced soon ! EW
30 Issue 6 2023 www . exhibitionworld . co . uk