hese days , with the plethora of options to hold digital webinars , conferences , expos and events , the experience for many speakers is inconsistent , rarely simple , challenging at times , and at worst , a complete failure ( unsuccessful logins to the platform ).
Months into the global pandemic , virtual events and webinars are the now normal . Still , there ’ s work to be done educating and communicating with speakers to effectively navigate and shine in the digital event world .
Here are some tips :
Green Screens : If your speakers are not going into a professional studio , nor receiving a complete professional audiovisual package , then in the interests of everyone ’ s sanity , plan on getting granular . Specifically include required items and instructions to properly assemble a home studio : green screen ( size ), adjustable frame , extra clips to tighten the screen ( large binder clips work well in a pinch ), lights and more lights ( along with where they should be placed ), microphone suggestions and lastly – what not to wear ! ( Green is bad , some patterns really don ’ t work , etc .)
Recording : Explain how to do so on your event ’ s chosen platform , system , PowerPoint or Teams / Zoom / Skype . Provide it in an easily referenced , easy to read pdf . Please include instructions for those on a Mac and not on Chrome . Remember that most speakers are not as experienced with digital as they are with in-person . Remind them to set aside time as it ’ s normal to record a few takes before
Below : Stephanie Selesnick |
they get it right . As referenced above , include suggestions on mics – will the one they have work or should they get something more sophisticated ?
Rehearsals : Always a good idea . And just like in-person events , just because it worked in rehearsal , don ’ t think it ’ ll be 100 % successful in real life .
Showtime : All platforms work differently . Some have ‘ backstage ’ ( sometimes referred as holding rooms or ‘ green rooms ’), some don ’ t . Some place speakers into a room alone with nary a communication until shortly before ‘ show time ’. Consider assigning a team member to greet and provide updates to all speakers as they enter their assigned rooms . Another good rule of thumb is to let panelists know where their colleagues are if assigned to separate green rooms . Being left in Non-Acknowledgement Land separated from fellow panelists with minutes to go before your live digital session can be scary .
Time Zones : When producing a live digital event , if at all possible , consider speakers ’ time zones when
creating the schedule .
Murphy ’ s Law : Some things just go wonky in spite of the best laid plans . Discuss these challenges with your speakers along with suggested solutions ahead of time . Better yet , put them in a pdf for easy reference . 1 . Speaker ’ s internet goes down . Have them use their smart phones as hot spots , etc . 2 . Speaker is having trouble getting into the system / and or backstage . Provide a phone number to a live human being who has the tech knowledge to fix the issue . Don ’ t email unless it is sending a new link . Text or call . Always . 3 . If your virtual event is running late , let speakers know how late . Same if it ’ s running ahead . 4 . Kids , Pets , Significant Others : It happens . Roll with it . 5 . Event Platform goes down : communicate , communicate , communicate via text , email if you have to .
Miscellaneous suggestions : 1 . What to wear : It never hurts to include a few pieces of advice with what looks good on camera . For example , occasionally necklaces worn too close to a mic can make an ongoing disruptive noise . 2 . Background : Not a bedroom if it can at all be avoided . It ’ s uncomfortable for everyone . 3 . Sometimes it ’ s easier and less expensive to send your event ’ s background or step-and-repeat to speakers with a frame and have them use that instead of a green screen rig . Don ’ t forget the lighting instructions !
What would you add ?