n Initial Environmental Review ( IER ) can provide an ideal start point for organisations looking to embark upon their journey towards improved environmental sustainability . An IER can generate a register of environmental risks and opportunities which can then be evaluated by management with the objective of formulating sustainability policies , strategies and systems relevant for their business .
It could be tempting to save time by simply copying what others are doing but it misses the critical point of tailoring an action plan to your organisation ’ s specific circumstances and objectives . But how do you avoid this becoming a box ticking exercise and ensure you reap significant gains in operational and financial performance ?
Corporate sustainability is more likely to be enhanced if the business is supportive of change and a holistic view is taken across the supply chain , while addressing a longer-term horizon e . g . five years or more . But , as this year has demonstrated , things can change rapidly and therefore it is important to have a regular review process which not only encourages innovative thinking but also supports transparency in reporting to the organisation ’ s stakeholders .
Following a few simple rules should help put the required framework in place for analysing the information generated from the reviews .
Once the IER data has been collated , management team ‘ meet ’ ( face-to-face or virtually as dictated by circumstance ) to discuss and agree what the business needs to change in order to improve
its environmental sustainability performance . Prioritising particular areas of risk or opportunity will help resources be directed to where they will have most positive impact . This seemingly straightforward activity begs the question of who sits on this management team . Consensus is usually achieved more quickly among like-minded parties but the more diverse the team ’ s composition , the more likely innovative and creative solutions will result , as different perceptions and experiences are brought into the mix .
The next stage is to engage the other stakeholders to share your vision for the future and your assessment of what needs to be improved to realise it . By ensuring there is a common understanding of the issues , consensus can be built around a shared purpose across the supply chain . Factoring into planning those macro trends that will be shaping our futures has never been more pertinent than today , albeit who foresaw the impact of this pandemic
Andrew Furness is a consultant to the international events industry and Associate Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment . He can be contacted at : andrew furness17 @ gmail . com |
even 12 months ago ? But there are trends which will remain fixed points in our thinking for some time to come , such as increased regulation to address waste and our impact on climate change .
To be effective , all stakeholders must not only align with this shared vision but must commit to taking the necessary measures to achieve it . Such a collective endeavour will require a management system which prioritises those actions while supporting more innovation , better communication and greater coordination . Fine words and aspirations , without sufficient resources being committed by the relevant stakeholders , will , however , remain just that . Time will be the most valuable resource of all , particularly in the early stages as multiple and varied interests will need to be reconciled in a collaborative manner , thus enabling changes to existing policies and operating methods to be successfully adopted .
With an ongoing brief to improve performance , maintaining momentum among stakeholders will be a big challenge , but simple things such as regular and constructive engagement along with celebrating even minor wins , will help keep focus and motivation levels on track .
As mentioned earlier , it is vital that outcomes from the actions implemented are regularly and objectively reviewed to see how strategies will need to be adapted to achieve the organisation ’ s sustainability goals . Engagement , openness and collaboration will be key watchwords for those managing the process .