from other sectors , and the worlds of global political and economic thinking , to challenge us and offer fresh perspectives .
“ I cannot recall a moment in recent history when we had so many challenges simultaneously confronting the world at large ,” Ambassador Ischinger said , during his keynote interview with UFI MD and CEO Kai Hattendorf .
“ The period we are living through is an era coming to an end , and the beginning of a new era that we don ’ t yet understand ,” the Ambassador said , adding : “ We have paid very little attention to how this pandemic will affect global stability .”
Ambassador Ischinger described Covid as a ‘ polypandemic ’ which had hit the whole world in five major areas :
• A Hunger pandemic : The number of people suffering from hunger will double
• A Poverty pandemic : 100 million additional people will fall into extreme poverty
• Authoritarianism pandemic : The number of authoritarian versus democratic countries is rising dramatically
• Inequality pandemic : For instance , there are many more doctors available in rich countries
• An international security pandemic : Failing states will produce more radicalisation – expect more terrorism , more migratory pressure . Although people had generally been paying attention to how the
pandemic had affected us on a personal level , Ambassador Ischinger said he thought we had “ paid very little attention to how this pandemic will affect global stability ”.
He noted that , with the ever closer union in Europe shot down by Brexit , and China and Russia not being stakeholders in the Western model for international order , there were many examples of old certainties disappearing .
And he cautioned against a new US presidential panacea for our ills : “ Let ’ s not get too euphoric , there will be no transatlantic paradise created by Joe Biden .”
Ambassador Ischinger added the worst mistake we could make “ would be to sit back and think Joe Biden will make everything right … we have to bring something to the table … There must be an equitable process between US and Europe .”
He did , however , see a Biden administration in the US as “ a great opportunity for the return of trust , truth , and transparency . It is a chance to reshape relationships again ,” he said .
Kai Hattendorf asked the Ambassador about burden sharing in the context of more global dissonances in recent years . “ What are the main items we need to discuss as an international community to turn the tides towards more collaboration ?” he asked .
“ It is not possible to end pandemic in one country ,” replied Ambassador Ischinger . “ We need to return to a solid joint belief across the Atlantic in multilateral approaches .
“ America first is fine , but it should not mean you do not wish to work with partners and allies . A joint re-commitment to multilateralism is No . 1 to create trust and help us re-establish the truth as our guiding principle .”
He also noted that on issues that divide , like energy and how to approach China , and arms control , acceptable compromises had to be worked out . Ambassador Ischinger
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singled out China as the single biggest challenge to Transatlantic peace .
The Ambassador reminded his audience that he was also an event organiser ( of the Munich Security Conference ) and admitted facing big challenges , like others in the profession , in getting his conference on ( in February ). “ We will probably organise a hybrid event . The volatility of our business and organising events is an enormous challenge . But there will be an event .”
Expanding on trust , and accessibility , and the role of events , Ambassador Ischinger said : “ Closing borders was one of the most kneejerk reactions by governments . This was wrong . We have learned that lesson .”
“ Leaders will have an incentive to meet again physically . You can have any number of personal meetings at the margins of the [ main ] meeting . You can ’ t replace these personal physical meetings .
“ We will find extremely interested audiences again soon , as soon as the authorities approve . Digital meetings serve a purpose , but are no real alternative ,” he said , noting : “ It is not so easy to build a personal relationship on a laptop .”
The Ambassador ended on an optimistic note : “ I see a revitalised business . I see a huge number of people desiring to flock to these gatherings . If you ’ ve been deprived of a decent dinner for weeks – you ’ ll be ready to pay extra for it .
“ Let ’ s be optimistic . Things will work out . Meetings are essential .”
And asked by Kai Hattendorf to project the industry forward three years , Ambassador Ischinger added : “ I expect [ business events ] to become fully alive again and pick up more speed .
“ Let ’ s be optimistic things will work out . We will return to normal ; albeit not the status quo , but a world where there is more virtual . But they will not replace real in-person events .”