Exhibition World Issue 6 — 2020 | Page 17

Big Interview
control globally , before China and most other Asian countries will more easily allow overseas buyers to visit tradeshows . Asia ’ s culture is quite risk averse , so it will probably take a long time before the shows in China will be fully international again . The country has good control of the pandemic as opposed to Europe or the USA , where perception of data privacy is questionable in this situation .
What are your goals for the future and how will you be dovetailing your skills into Jochen ’ s team of ‘ exhibition superheroes ’? The composition of the jwc team is ideal : All members of the management and Board have long term practical experience in the industry and , with Gerd [ Weber ] as a former long term McKinsey employee . The focus of my activities will be on M & A , strategy , interim and crisis management , as well as marketing and organisation . I am very proud to join such a team of super specialists .
Jochen , You have consulted on some very large venue projects , but do you think the days of giant venues may be numbered ? Is the way forward , maybe , for smaller , more flexible physical spaces for hosting events ? Again we need to differentiate . Despite existing overcapacities , I believe that mega venues in China still might be justified , depending on region and city .
The situation in Europe is different . The time of giant venues is over , not only because of Covid-19 . The tradefair business in the most relevant EU-countries over the last 10 years is stagnant at best , in some areas even declining . Size and structure of many venues no longer conform to the market needs and many plans for their overhaul are not aligned with future market requirements . We are currently conducting several projects in
Europe ; the vast majority of venues will change structures to improve venue quality / attractiveness at the expense of exhibition capacity .
You have expressed some strong views on the value of virtual / digital events . It is a truism that nothing can replace face-to-face business , but surely plenty of ground is being opened up for technology companies outside of the exhibition industry to take an increasing share of the traditional business . How do you see the balance shifting here and how can organisers and venues meet the challenges of monetising virtual and hybrid events ? The present focus of our industry lies on health and safety and virtual events ; that is understandable in the current circumstances , but will not solve our structural problems . We need to find answers to a number of questions : 1 . What will the event business look like post coronavirus , what are the
Above : Jimé Essink
likely scenarios ? 2 . What does this mean for the strategy and organisation of organisers ? 3 . What does it mean for the venues of the future ?
At jwc we believe that f2f events , at least in Europe , will likely see further declining visitor numbers , fewer international visitors , more focused and regional events and more content . This development will be reflected in exhibitor participation . Digital will play an important role as long as we find the right balance between f2f events and virtual offerings , supported by data management and AI . Our view is that the companies that will be successful will be the ones that offer communication and matchmaking services independent of time , location and medium .
Monetising virtual events is not the priority ; the focus must be to strengthen the f2f business with our virtual activities . Many current virtual events are one offs , expensive , with no holistic strategy and little value for the f2f business .
Technology and software providers will be of importance for both organisers and venues .
How do you see the challenge for the industry in terms of dealing with important issues such as fostering opportunity for young event professionals and keeping up the pace of progress with sustainability , despite the Covid backdrop ? Thousands of qualified people are currently leaving our industry or are laid off , resulting in a drain of experience and knowhow in the f2f business . At the same time qualifications are shifting : Digital and virtual activities will require a different breed of people ( e . g . data analysts , AI experts ) – a difficult situation for our industry as the competition is strong and we are not perceived to be the ‘ sexiest ’ business .
www . exhibitionworld . co . uk Issue 6 2020 17