Exhibition World Issue 5 | Page 53


A new dawn in Thailand

EW ’ s Catie Owen attended the TCEB networking dinner at the Royal Thai Embassy in London and discovered how , in the heat of the pandemic , Thailand worked to do more than just put out the flames
n the midst of the UK ’ s

I intense July heatwave , a group of event professionals journeyed to London ’ s stylish South Kensington district to attend a networking dinner at the Royal Thai Embassy .

The event itself was organised by the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau ( TCEB ), with attendees also receiving invitations from His Excellency Pisanu Suvanajata , ambassador of Thailand to the United Kingdom . For this evening , Thailand ’ s exhibition industry and thriving MICE scene took centre stage - rivalled only by the Thai cuisine that the night would later bring .
The purpose of the 18 July gathering was for the UK-based exhibition professionals to learn more about Thailand ’ s rebounding industry and expand upon their business relationships with the country . It had been about three years since the last gathering , which was held in a Thai restaurant in Soho . However , as the ambassador pointed out , the 2022 get-together had the added specialness of the embassy ’ s newly renovated offices .
It seemed a fitting venue , considering the occasion also celebrated the Thai economy ’ s full reopening after its Covid-19 related standstill . As of 1 July , the Thailand Pass , medical insurance , and wearing masks in public were no longer a requirement to travel .
Above : Ambassador Pisanu Suvanajata
His Excellency pointed out that , as with many countries , the impact of the pandemic was dramatic on Thailand ’ s tourism , corporate travel , and MICE sectors . Nevertheless , this gathering of event professionals was a demonstration of the country ’ s keenness to reintroduce international events to its industry and economy .
Rebounding Thailand ’ s economy itself seems to be doing well , as the ambassador noted . He told his audience that 2021 saw the country ’ s GDP grow 1.6 % from 2020 ’ s levels and is expecting 2022 ’ s growth to expand by about 3 %.
A complementary parallel was drawn between the UK ’ s Build Back Better initiative , which seeks to rebuild the UK ’ s economy postpandemic while moving towards net zero , and Thailand ’ s Bio-Circular- Green ( BCG ) Economy . As both are initiatives that focus on sustainable growth ; the ambassador commented that it gives both countries a platform to cooperate on .
The co-operation between the UK and Thailand would be built on an already demonstrably positive ►
www . exhibitionworld . co . uk Issue 5 2022 53