Exhibition World Issue 5 | Page 12

UFI Global Congress

Where the world meets

The 89th UFI Global Congress takes place in Oman . Caitlin Read shares an insight of what to expect
s the exhibitions

A industry continues its recovery from the impact of the global pandemic , sector leaders from around the globe will gather at the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre , Muscat , 14-17 November , for the 89th UFI Global Congress .

While newer challenges have reared their heads , the congress will have a unique content programme and feature keynote speakers from inside and outside the sector .
The congress will look at the future of the industry alongside facilitating networking opportunities and giving attendees the chance to exchange experiences and gain new insights and ideas .
Caitlin Read has more than a decade of experience in the exhibitions industry , and is coordinating UFI ’ s Global Conference . She tells EW what delegates can expect .
EW : Is there a conference theme this year ? CR : We didn ’ t originally set a specific theme for the UFI Global Congress in 2022 , but as discussions surrounding the programme evolved , and having talked with our members about what ’ s on their minds , the idea of ‘ uncovering ’ kept coming up , be that opportunities , challenges , or innovation .
We started playing with the idea of ‘ uncovering the unseen ’ which is what led us to choosing our keynote
speaker this year : Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy , the academy awardwinning filmmaker . She will set the tone for the congress by talking about – and demonstrating to us – new ways to look at the world .
EW : As the agenda takes place , what topics will be discussed ? CR : You can expect the classics that any programme would be remiss without . We will have sessions on the state of the economy , global risks and opportunities , and trends across the industry . We ’ ll also be covering the timely and critical talent discussion with the Next Generation Leaders sharing their views on a transformed talent narrative for the industry .
The ‘ big change ’ topics of the moment include sessions on the use of data and insights to create serendipitous moments and how we ’ re driving sustainability in our events and businesses .
The session I am most looking forward to ( but please don ’ t tell any of the speakers , I don ’ t want them to think I ’ m playing favourites ) will be an industry Board meeting . There , we ’ re going to have folks from different organisations representing all the normal Board functions , providing an update from their area , and a discussion on which topics will be of critical importance on their agendas for 2023 .
EW : Are the challenges faced by the industry world-wide , or are there regional differences ?
Caitlin Read
“ What I hope events like the UFI Global Congress can do is bring people together to share insight and be able to discuss frankly and openly .”
CR : This is something we think about a lot when putting together the programmes for our global events : are we covering topics that show off how different regions are dealing with hot-button issues , or do we want to talk about topics that are universal to all of us ?
In general , I think , there are topics that we are all thinking about , that are keeping everyone in the industry up at night in autumn 2023 . These include customer experience , talent , digital , sustainability , and economic pressures , as examples . The question is how those topics are manifesting , what the pressures are and , significantly , what ’ s the right solution for a business , a portfolio ,
12 Issue 5 2022 www . exhibitionworld . co . uk