Thailand focuses on smart
industries as key to exhibition
Incentives whet
appetite for food expo
in Seoul
846 exhibitors across 1,717 stands, and
more than 40,000 local and overseas
buyers and visitors.
Core themes for the 2019 edition
include food tech, food packaging, local
ajor Korean food expo, ingredients, health ingredients, farmed
he Thailand Convention and Exhibition Coex Food Week, is offering foods, and baked goods. The exhibition will
Bureau (TCEB) hosted 22 international incentives for overseas spread across all four of Coex’s exhibition
exhibitions certified by UFI in 2018-2019, exhibitors and buyers. halls. The expo also includes concurrent
more than any other ASEAN country.
During 2019, TCEB also supported and won bids for 17
The show is expected to attract 60,000
buyers from South Korea and abroad when
new international exhibitions, more than half of which it runs 20-23 November 2019 in the Coex
are focused on Thailand’s 10 S-Curve industries. These centre in Seoul.
include smart devices, digital, energy, food and health.
Thailand will also be hosting the UFI Global Congress
Since its launch in 2006, Coex Food
seminars and workshops, and biz-
matching meetings.
Incentives for buyers attending Coex
Food Week in 2019 include three nights
of complimentary accommodation,
Week has grown to become Korea’s leading interpretation services, participation in
from 6-9 November, and has recently launched its new tradeshow for the global food and beverage pre-organised biz-matching sessions, and a
‘360 Degree Exhibition Success’ campaign. industry. In 2018, Coex Food Week attracted buyer’s kit.
Ms. Nichapa Yoswee, TCEB’s Senior Vice-President –
Business, commented: “New trends are emerging where
international organisers are utilising Thailand as a
gateway to the ASEAN region.
“They are also keen to explore the many business
opportunities provided by the Thai government’s
‘Thailand 4.0 - EEC’ (Eastern Economic Corridor)
initiative, which is considered ASEAN’s largest in terms of
investment values and development potential.”
Among the events coming to Thailand are CEBIT
ASEAN Thailand from Germany, Infocomm Southeast Asia
from Singapore, and ANDTEX from the United States.
“New trends are emerging
where international organisers
are utilising Thailand as a
gateway to the ASEAN region.”
Ms.. Nichapa Yoswee,
TCEB’s Senior Vice-President
Suntec Singapore
unveils EVA
mentors at Suntec Singapore.
“This is the EVA-lution of venue
services,” said Suntec Singapore CEO Arun
untec Singapore Convention Madhok. “Through EVA, our customers
& Exhibition Centre (Suntec and visitors can find all the necessary
Singapore) is launching its information about our Centre. Event
Essential Virtual Assistant organisers, for example, can ask her about
(EVA) on 6 August 2019.
EVA is a knowledge-based online
platform where customers can find
all relevant information about Suntec
Instead of emailing or calling Suntec
w w
has undergone a year of training with her
services and products, access forms and
permits and get information on processes
and procedures.”
EVA accepts queries that are typed into
a search bar. Eventually, she will upgrade
her skills and become a chatbot, as well
Singapore’s staff, customers can choose to as acquire artificial intelligence (AI)
query EVA anytime and anywhere. EVA capabilities.
Issue 4 2019