Exhibition World Issue 2 2024 Issue 2 | Page 24

Executive Focus
said they are excited by their top three shows which are Intersec , Beautyworld Middle East & Automechanika Dubai , as well as enthusiastically anticipating the launch of LogiMotion at the end of the year – part of a Future Mobilities Week alongside Automechanika Dubai – combining to become an all hall tenancy at the Dubai World Trade Centre . Each of these individual flagship exhibitions has very different development plans and requirements . In addition , another edition of each takes place in Saudi Arabia , where the company is enjoying significant growth via partnerships that include key Saudi authorities .
Owning the verticals across regions and globally is an important part of the MFME strategy worldwide .
Staff satisfaction Following the global health crisis , MFME launched an extensive staff survey , and were disappointed to discover that 80 % of the staff in the Dubai office described themselves as “ unhappy ”. This was largely driven by the isolation people felt when in lockdown a long way from home , but also there was a need ( and opportunity ) to change . Having looked internally to see how MFME could combat some of the reasons for the dissatisfaction , 23 initiatives were launched to boost satisfaction including a junior board , updated appraisals , quarterly Town Halls , a revised travel / leave policy and annual awards . Bloom was clear on not wanting any of the staff to ‘ just ’ do a job ; but be part of an adventure where everyone contributes to collective success . Late last year , an under 30s initiative was launched . This is focused on maintaining the ‘ intrapreneurial ’ spirit , generating new ideas and retaining talent – while fully appreciating what the next generation want from
exhibitions to ensure the company is fully aligned to today and tomorrow .
Advice to the UK Bloom says : “ Perhaps in Dubai and the surrounding region , we are accustomed to a high level of support . However , I believe it ’ s a missed opportunity for the UK government not to fully recognise the potential that the events industry offers the country ... With the right investment , the positive impact on the UK could be substantial , paving the way for future business success .
Tips for a successful launch The LogiMotion launch has been supported by a huge amount of research part which has been designed to create engagement with the key players . Bloom says18 months is the minimum amount of time required for a major launch , otherwise , you set yourself up to fail . Best advice ? Over resource , invest and give everything you have no matter how tough some days can be .
The most innovative event directors aren ’ t in the events industry , they are aligned to the industries the events serve , understand your vertical and become a part of it , he believes .
Bloom fondly remembers : “ The
Above : MFME Beautyworld Middle East and Automechanika Riyadh
great Ken Priestly said to me on my first day at Melville , ‘ Understand your success will be defined by embracing a ‘ life ’ in events rather than a career . The days can be long and challenging , but what we achieve together is truly unique , so leave it all on the pitch and see where it takes you , if you don ’ t feel the ‘ buzz ’ then you should really do something else !’”
Now in his 50s Bloom says the buzz has never been greater .
“ It is a privilege to work alongside so many brilliant people as the CEO of Messe Frankfurt Middle East . I am excited to leave it on the pitch for as long as I can . This being every day and not just limited to Thursday night football – just of one of our many staff engagement initiatives at Messe Frankfurt Middle East !” Wise words indeed . EW
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